Feb. 15, 2005
Dec 10, 2005
Dec 10, 2005
- Ice fishing section updated for the 2005 season. More Ice Fishing Operators in Ontario added and a new section for Ice Fishing in Alberta added.
Nov 22, 2002
- Well I have just completed a good house cleaning of all my links pages, lots of bad links were found and deleted or repaired. I have also given the links pages a bit of a face lift and added quite a few new links. Still a little more work to go on these pages but getting there.
Oct 15, 2002
- We have a new contact email address here at fishinontario, I was forced to change it do to the amount of spam email I was getting. The new address is hidden from email bots from harvesting on our pages now using javascripts, this should stop most of the spammers, unfortunately you must now have a javascript enabled Web Browser. This really isn't too much of a problem though since we are talking about only 1% of the browsers being use today.
June 26, 2002
- We have a search utility once again I have switched to a new script which seems to work better, quicker. Just some tweaking now and cosmetics and I can get on with the job of updating and adding new stuff. -
June 25, 2002
- Yeah! the message board is working again! The move to a new server is starting to show promise. Now get the search function working!
November 7, 2001
- The message board is up and running again! The Dock also received a facelift.
February 1, 2000
- The Tackle Links page was uploaded today plus I did a little clean up of the other links pages.
January 30, 2000
- New Camping page has been added to give you all the info you will need to enjoy Ontario's Parks. Click on the "Camping" button in the menu to the left and explore all the MNR's Ontario Parks website has to offer.
January 5, 2000
- Well today I got a good start on a new Links page GAMES. This links page will try to be an exhaustive list of all the fishing simulation software available out there. I will soon add to this page or perhaps a new links page for all the fishing log software around (there is lots).
December 31, 1999
December 30, 1999
December 29, 1999
December 25, 1999
- Well as you can see we have been busy here at FISHinONTARIO for the last few days of 1999 adding new pages and changing the look of the site. During the next few months we hope to add lots of new features and sections with a fresh new face hopefully creating a site that will give you all the information you may need to enjoy fishing in Ontario plus an enjoyable on-line experience. We welcome your comments and suggestions, just drop a line to
and please bear with us during this change as you may come across the odd unfinished page or bad link. Thanks.
- Do you have an Web Site or page dedicated to the Ontario outdoors? Be sure to take advantage of this new feature, add a URL to the Ontario fishing directory search engine.
December 24, 1999
December 23, 1999